A pair of drive-on ramps allows you to raise one end of a car without using a jack. They are convenient for jobs that do not require wheel removal. Most give a ground clearance of about 9 in. (230 mm) and will support up to about 3 tonnes per pair.

Ramps that have a detachable run-up section allow more access for working near the road wheels. The detachable parts can also be used as wheel chocks.

However, the run-up slope may not be steep enough to give secure chocking. A triangular wooden block with a 45 degree slope is often more effective. Wheel chocks are available as accessories with some makes of car.

Some people make their own ramps, but purpose-made ramps of welded steel are much safer. They have a raised rim at the front so that you cannot accidentally roll the car over the top of the ramp.

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