Converting an automatic choke to manual

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Choke conversion kit

Choke conversion kit

The Moprod MAC 200 kit shown here can be used to convert Weber, Zenith, Solex, Pierburg and GM Varajet carburettors to manual choke operation.

Various mouldings are used with this kit to convert the auto-choke. The kit includes interface and operating spring (A), adaptor (B), anchor plate and retaining clip (C), cable spool (D) and spool return springs (E).

Also included are: choke cable and warning light (F), mounting bracket (G) and wiring (H), tubing and clips (I) and various screws (J). Some carburettors also require the soleplate and extension tube (K).

Most new cars are fitted with an automatic choke rather than a manual one. The choke automatically opens and closes the choke butterfly (or valve) in the carburettor depending on the temperature of the engine. It may be plumbed directly into the cooling system, or linked electrically to the engine temperature sensor.

Choke problems

In practice, an automatic choke has several disadvantages. First, the driver has no control over it, unlike a manual choke. Second, it often goes wrong. It may fail to operate at all, making the car difficult or impossible to start.

Photo of Juan

Traducido por Juan Pita

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