Smoothing out a dent

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Posiblemente necesite

  • Martillo
  • Martillo de carpintero
  • Taco de madera
  • Taladro
  • Disco abrasivo
  • Masilla
  • Escofina
  • Tapón
  • Papel abrasivo húmedo y seco
  • Espátula de plástico
  • Taco de lija

Use a drill and disc or flap wheel to sand down to bare metal for about 25mm in and around the dent.

The best way to treat a dent is to raise the metal almost to its original level, then to level the surface with a thin layer of plastic body filler. You can do this with most of the plastic filler kits available.

There are two types of filler — powder which you mix with resin and sometimes with hardener as well; and ready-mixed paste to which you add hardener.

The paste is easier to use although a little more expensive than resin and powder. With either, be sure to follow the maker's instructions carefully.

Smoothing out a dent

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